1969, International Labour Organization
50th Anniversary

11 april 1969
INdia post
3 Million

The stamp, reflecting the tripartite relationship between the government, employers and workers was issued on the 50th anniversary of the International Labour Organization (ILO), a UN agency that predates the UN itself.

ILO was established in 1919 to promote social justice and improve working and living conditions throughout the world. India is a founding member of the ILO and has been a permanent member of its governing body since 1922.

ILO Conventions have served as models for Indian labour legislations both pre-and post-independence, including for the formulation of acts covering industrial disputes, minimum wage, factories and industrial disputes. The ILO tripartite structure also served as a model for the first meeting of the Indian Labour Conference held in 1942.

India’s close association with the ILO is demonstrated in the four commemorative stamps issued by India Post – the first, in 1959, on the 40th anniversary of the organization, depicting the Triumph of Labour statue in Chennai – and subsequently on the 75th and 100th anniversaries of ILO in 1994 and 2020 respectively.

Labour demonstration in Kolkata, 1937. Photo: UN Photo

The year of the stamp issue, 1969, ILO was awarded the
Nobel Peace Prize, in recognition of its work to establish a
peace built on social justice following the horrors of
the second World War.

“There are few organizations that have succeeded to the
extent that the ILO has, in translating into action the
fundamental moral idea on which it is based.”
- Mrs Aase Lionaes,
Chair of the Nobel Committee
ILO Director-General David A. Morse received the 1969 Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the ILO from Aase Lionaes,
Chairman of the Nobel Committee. Photo: ILO